Additional files to the dissertation of Hugo J.P. La Poutré: English Population 1086-1377: a modelling approach (2023). Chapter III + Appendix A * mortality.txt : this file contains the program code (in Delphi) to calculate the best fit to age specific mortality data. This program has been used in section 3.3, sectioin 3.5, and appendix A of my dissertation. This program consists of eight files: three forms (form1, form2, form3), four units (unit1, unit2, unit3, and NelderMead), and a project file. In the file mortality.txt, the program code of all eight files has been put in a row: * unit2 reads a datafile and calculates the actual best fit * NelderMead provides the numerical procedure to calculate this actual fit * unit1 handles the graphical presentation of the mortality pattern * unit3 provides options on this graphical presentation Chapter III + VII + VIII + Appendix B * simulation.txt : this file contains the program code (in Delphi) for the macrosimulation on the population that is run. This simulation is run in section 3.7, section 7.6, section 8.6, and section 8.7 of my dissertation. The program is explained in appendix B. This program consists of six files: two forms (form1, form2), three units (unit1, unit2, and NelderMead), and the project file. In the file simulation.txt, the program code of alle six files has been put in a row: * unit 2 contains the actual simulation * NelderMead provides the numerical procedure to calculate the best fit of the growth rate formula (see also my dissertation p. 388). * unit1 handles the graphical presentation of the simulation Chapter IV + V * blackbourne.txt : this file contains the digitized data (separated by tabs) as tabularized by Powell (1910) of tax list for Blackbourne Hundred in the year 1283. These data have been used in section 4.5, section 4.6, and in section 5.3 of my dissertation. Only two variables have been added to Powell's data: * variable 'demesne' distinguishes between farms that were probable demesnes (j) and peasant farms (n) on the basis of their names: taxpayers whose names contain 'domine', 'prior', 'abbas' or 'manerium' are reckoned to the demesne sector (see also my dissertation p. 133). * variable 'Breckland' distinguishes between Breckland (j) and the High Suffolk region (n) of Blackbourne Hundred. Note that variable 'p+f' refers to the amount of peas (pise) and beans (fabe) that were tabularised without distinction between the two in the tax list. Chapter VIII + appendix F * settlements.txt : this file contains the digitised data (separated by tabs) on settlement size as assembled by Hallam (1988) from extents and Domesday Book: 1325 items in total. Furthermore, this file contains the name and estimated foundation year of a number of settlements that were founded between 1086 and 1350. These data were assembled by Hallam (1988b, 1988c) and Ian Jack (1988). These data have been used in section 8.7, and in appendix F of my dissertation. variables: * variable 'Hallam' distinguishes between items mentioned in Hallam (1988) or not. * variable 'Broadberry' distinguishes between items mentioned in Broadberry (2015) or not. * variable 'manor': name of the manor * variable 'county': county in which the manor lay * variable 'region': em = east midlands, wm = west midlands, e = Eastern England, s = Southern England, n = Northern England, sw = Southwest England, se = Southeast England, w = Welsh Marches * variable 'estate': AS= estate of Adam of Stratton, B = Binham priory, BA = Battle Abbey, BH = estate of Beauchamps of Hatch, BU= Burton Abbey, BP= Boxgrove Priory, C = archbishop of Canterbury, CH = bishop of Chichester, CP = Christchurch Priory, CR= Crowland Abbey, E = Abbey and Bishop of Ely, EA= Evesham Abbey, EL = estates of Robert of Holland and the earl of Lancaster, GA= Glastonbury Abbey, GL = Gloucester Abbey, H = church of Hereford, HC = Abbey of the Holy Cross, Waltham, HR= Hundred Rolls 1279-80, i = Inquisitions Post Mortem, L = Lincoln Cathedral, LA = Lacock Abbey, N = bishop of Norwich, P = Peterborough Abbey, PC = St Paul's Cathedral, R = Ramsey Abbey, V = Vale Royal Abbey, W = church of Worcester, WA= Westminster Abbey, WC = Wells Cathedral, S = Spalding Priory, SA = Shaftesbury Abbey, SC= Salisbury Cathedral, Y = prebends of the church of York * variable 'info': f. + year = founding year, c. = year is only approximately known. * variable 'year': for the first 1325 items, this is the year this manor was mentioned in an extent. For the rest of the items, this is the year this manor was mentioned for the first time in a source. * variable 'n1086': the number of heads of households as mentioned in Domesday Book * variable 'nYear': the number of heads of households as mentioned in an extent in the year (that is registered in the variable 'year'). * variable 'ratio' is calculated is follows: nYear/n1086 Appendix A * siler_model.txt : This file contains the best fit of the five-paramater siler model on mortality to yearly periodic life tables from the Human Mortality Database. These best fits are calculated in appendix A. variables: * variable 'country': B = Belgium, D = Germany, E = England & Wales, F = France, H = the Netherlands, N = Norway, S = Sweden. * variable 'year' : year of periodic life table. * variable p1: the rate of aging parameter beta (see my dissertation p. 364) * variable p2: the accident hump level parameter theta (see my dissertation p. 364). * variable p3: a juvenile mortality parameter (see my dissertation p. 364). * variable p4: the aging inflection point parameter pfi (see my dissertation p. 364). * varialbe p5: a juvenile mortality parameter (see my dissertation p. 364). * variable WRMSE: the weighted root mean square of error (see my dissertation, p. 370) * variable dSimpl: the final simplex size of the Nelder-Mead procedure. * variable iterations: the number of iterations of the Nelder-Mead procedure. * four_par_model.txt : This file contains the best fit of the four-paramater hazard model on mortality. These best fits are calculated in appendix A. variables: * variable 'country': B = Belgium, D = Germany, E = England & Wales, F = France, H = the Netherlands, N = Norway, S = Sweden. * variable 'year' : year of periodic life table. * variable p1: the rate of aging parameter beta (see my dissertation p. 367) * variable p2: the accident hump level parameter theta (see my dissertation p. 367). * variable p3: the juvenile mortality shape parameter ohmega (see my dissertation p. 367). * variable p4: the aging inflection point parameter pfi (see my dissertation p. 367). * varialbe p5: fixed at 1 * variable WRMSE: the weighted root mean square of error (see my dissertation, p. 370) * variable dSimpl: the final simplex size of the Nelder-Mead procedure. * variable iterations: the number of iterations of the Nelder-Mead procedure. * three_par_model.txt : This file contains the best fit of the three-paramater hazard model on mortality. These best fits are calculated in appendix A. variables: * variable 'country': B = Belgium, D = Germany, E = England & Wales, F = France, H = the Netherlands, N = Norway, S = Sweden. * variable 'year' : year of periodic life table. * variable p1: the rate of aging parameter beta (see my dissertation p. 367) * variable p2: the accident hump level parameter theta (see my dissertation p. 367). * variable p3: the juvenile mortality shape parameter ohmega (see my dissertation p. 367). * variable p4: the aging inflection point parameter pfi is fixed at 100. * varialbe p5: fixed at 1 * variable WRMSE: the weighted root mean square of error (see my dissertation, p. 370) * variable dSimpl: the final simplex size of the Nelder-Mead procedure. * variable iterations: the number of iterations of the Nelder-Mead procedure. * two_par_model.txt : This file contains the best fit of the two-paramater hazard model on mortality. These best fits are calculated in appendix A. variables: * variable 'country': B = Belgium, D = Germany, E = England & Wales, F = France, H = the Netherlands, N = Norway, S = Sweden. * variable 'year' : year of periodic life table. * variable p1: the rate of aging parameter beta (see my dissertation p. 367) * variable p2: the accident hump level parameter theta (see my dissertation p. 367). * variable p3: the juvenile mortality shape parameter ohmega is calculated from variables p1 and p2. * variable p4: the aging inflection point parameter pfi is fixed at 100. * varialbe p5: fixed at 1 * variable WRMSE: the weighted root mean square of error (see my dissertation, p. 370) * variable dSimpl: the final simplex size of the Nelder-Mead procedure. * variable iterations: the number of iterations of the Nelder-Mead procedure. Literature: Broadberry, S., Campbell, B. M. S., Klein, A., Overton, M., van Leeuwen, B. (2015), British Economic Growth 1270-1870, Cambridge. Hallam, H. E. (1988), 'Population Movements in England, 1086-1350', in Hallam, H. E. (ed.), The Agrarian History of England and Wales, Vol. II 1042-1350, Cambridge, pp. 508-93 Hallam, H. E. (1988b), 'New Settlement, Eastern England', in Hallam, H. E. (ed.), The Agrarian History of England and Wales, Vol. II 1042-1350, Cambridge, pp. 139-73. Hallam, H. E. (1988c), 'New Settlement, Southern England', in Hallam, H. E. (ed.), The Agrarian History of England and Wales, Vol. II 1042-1350, Cambridge, pp. 203-23. Ian Jack, R. (1988), 'New Settlement: Wales and the Marches', in Hallam, H. E. (ed.), The Agrarian History of England and Wales, Vol. II 1042-1350, Cambridge, pp. 260-271. Powell, E. (1910), A Suffolk hundred in the year 1283.